
Longest Cycle Path That I Ever Have

Haha.. today i successfully completed the challenges.... which is to cycle for 6.2km. Maybe some of you will think that it is only a short path, but for me, it is the longest path i cycled. Ever since learning cyling after secondary school and few times short cycles in uni time, already long time did not cycle already. Since last week, for some reason, we went to buy bicycles, one for my husband and another one for me. Everyday after work, if the weather allowed, we will cycle for ~half an hour, distance is about 4.2km. :) The very first day, i drop off from bicycle and having bruise on my leg, the size of bruise is almost same size with my palm. Already 2 weeks past, but the bruise havent fully recovered. :) But this never stop me. With the countinuous training, my cycling technique got improved de. ;) Let's see in future whether i can cycle further. ;)

