
2hr Bukit Timah Hiking

This morning, my hubby and i go to another hill for tracking. This time, we choose Bukit Timah hill hiking. Around 8am, we reach at the foot of the hill. ;) Suprisely, there are quite a number of people coming for hiking. :)

Default, we choose the shortest path, which is the red line path. This path is heading to The Summit, highest point of Bukit Timah, if not mistaken. This path is quite short, takes only 0.5hr, then can finish the tracking. But this tracking, is not really nice to walk, cause it is very steep. Nothing much you can see for this track.

Therefore, we choose to go for further tracks. But we not sure exactly where is the new path heading to. :) This new trail is thru forest. :) We hike up and down the hill, until we reach 1 of the resting hut. During that time, then only we realise that actually we are out of the default track that we planned. We already at Diary Farm, the path is more further compared with the Yellow Path in Bukit Timah. No choice, we have to continue our hiking, but lucky thing is that we have enough water.

At last, we manage to found our way back and the whole journey is completed in 2hr time. :) Nice try this time. Lesson learnt today is, do prepare enough of water when you choose to go hiking. ;)

Yet to finalize next week trip. :) Will update again the blog next week.. stay tune...

